Thursday, September 29, 2011

secrets in life

life seems to consist of a physical membrane surrounding a bunch of stuff that actively takes things from outside the memrane to keep the stuff inside going.  secrecy and selection are therefore essential elements of life.  life resists giving up and insists on taking and keeping.  it puts its personal interest before all other considerations.  environment is where the food comes from.

so where does compassion come from.  the personal body left to its natural tendencies will go on trying to acquire and burn food until it doesn't work anymore.  recognition by the living thing that there are others like it in the scene, a genetic rule not to automatically kill and eat some certain kind of life known as "us."  great chemical mystery, we preferentially don't eat "us."  baby spiders eating each other and all the other cannibalisms including the humans are special case oddities on the general rule.

inside the membrane the secret stuff goes on.  outsiders see the membrane, think that is what the life is but the secret stuff goes on inside.  otherwise it wouldn't be life.  it would lie there and break into pieces and blow away.

you know what we don't see?  we have a gundillion cooking shows but there is no hardcore foodnography which would have closeups of openmouthed chewing to arouse licentious phagic thoughts.  that kind of video is not happening.  chewed food is yucky.  why.  too real.

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