to try to learn how to figure out if something is wrong.
surrender. final surrender as the victim becomes food. it resists and tries to get away then it can't then it gives up and the disassembly can begin. it swells & starts to drip, tears, proceeds towards liquidity. surrender, the process proceeds to juice, which is absorbed by the victor. reds and pinks for us vertebrates.
the victor cannot avoid sympathy with the victim because everyone knows what happens. it is just the luck of the moment that i am the victor and it is the go through with the activity of killing and eating is the normal triumph of the basic level of will. the thing wants to live and will do whatever is necessary. it is just sorry, that's the way it is, the victim is going to die.
the celebrated flavor of the dead entity, the delicate artistry of the preparation, the convivial scene of the consumption of the victim, the satisfied filled feeling as the life of the victors goes on. the victims surrendered long moments ago, their paths to the future broken up and made into the future of the victors. the victors are happy. the victims are gone, memory of the exciting flavor recalled and cherished. those victims sure did taste delicious.
i grew up in enforcer times. human history had been long millennia of you'd better do exactly what you were told to do, if you didn't you'd get in trouble. there was only one right way to do everything, whatever that way happened to be. nonconformity was comprehensively repressed, nonconformists consistently ostracized. since the culture was based on enforcement the kid culture was an enforcer culture as well. bullies ruled. law of jungle.
in 1960s the idea of non-coercive society became very big, called "counterculture." there was essentially no model for such a society, therefore many experiments. since ultimate coercion is the basic element of life - we kill to eat - it may not be possible to be completely non-coercive until we learn to live on raw chemicals rather than corpses. matter of degree, various things can be tried to attempt to minimize the damage. us counterculturals immediately found our "movement" parasitized by various sociopathic ripoff artists who eventually overwhelmed the original intent which was something like looking for better things to do than what was being done, better ways of doing them. the serious questioning of standard methods brought forth a rally by the enforcer types who have been beating us back ever since. they have held the power to do things for almost all of human history, know how to do what they do, which is use force to attain personal ends, they are always winning. when they lose they do not go away. their impulses are the basic ones that seek victims to victorize. ours are secondary, reactive, the attempt of the victim to rise to power with the victor, to transcend the zero-sum game.
i am going to stay with this violence-eating process a while longer. it seems like it will be rather repetitive. it is after all something we do every day.
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