Tuesday, July 19, 2011


people want what they want & thats all there is to it.  first desire then the explanation.

so there is pitching and catching.  it is possible to get real good at either position.

in sports it is mostly the pitcher that gets the worship.  the catcher job is to fend off the heat mostly, except in baseball where the catcher job is to catch.  imagine a game where the skill of the catcher would be to elegantly catch, you know, everything that was thrown at it.  balls, sticks, rhymes, machines, people, nature.  what would it be like if the catcher was the hero of the game?  like in, say, porn.  celebration/worship of catching.  exotically athletic catching. 

an olympic sport consisting of people punching their way out of specially constructed paper bags. 

we like to talk about what weve accomplished.  legendary feats of catching celebrated only over in corners of shared understanding, the rest of them concerned with pointy objects projected.

which makes sense because pointy objects can be dangerous but catchers do not damage except if they engulf & drown but thats food, where the two directions of flow come together.  later for food.  i want to start with outer layers: relations between membranes. 

catcher worship as the catcher accepts everything and transmutes it by that acceptance into a heartthrob echo of higher places.

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