today is the day after the right wing crazy attack in norway, cruelly validating my decision to look at violence before sex. sex "positive" people do not force people to do things. violence people that is exactly what they do. a coherent approach to violence takes precedence over liberties of license because the violence demands a response. we may try to live our lives in ignorance but in the end that is not possible and attempts to do that are stupid. stupid people can get smarter however.
the condition of creating deadness brings us all the way to the ultimate factor of our existence. we kill to live, only the plants don't do that.
as an aside: the thought that males who have problems with female visuals might consider plucking out their eyes as mentioned in the christian bible instead of demanding modesty from them. whose fault is it that they have that problem anyway?
2 days later the issue begins to clarify somewhat in the world out there. in the general human population we have groups of people who like to do different things. among the things they like to do are violence and accompanying crimes. "most" people are not into violence as a thing they like to do, but the ones who do like it make trouble unless their culture has something to do with them, which is usually hopefully in the army of the democratic country rather than the local warlord but that's just my taste in things.
i think perhaps to go back of the mechanics of violence to the food level then maybe to evolve out of simple catching & eating to the development of meanness, maybe to get to something that can be attempted to be done about the increasing stupid violence and thoughts of same that is spreading in the world.
you know how it goes. fun people like to have fun. the violence people go do a war, drag in all the fun people, put em to work, sorry guys, got a war to fight, you can have fun again when we win.
so, the animals that my ancestors kept and killed and ate, before that they hunted them and killed and ate them, before that they killed and ate them raw, smashing them with rocks, licking out the brains, all of the organs including large intestine and contents, where the salt is, condimental, yum.
saw some movie stills. a chimp troop & a baboon troop cohabiting a zone. toddler chimp is playing with toddler baboon. adult chimp comes up & eats the baboon toddler from the legs up, it tries to get away until its dead.
the old way of slaughter is to go get the animal that you know and that knows you, you immobilize it for convenience then you kill it then you cut it up. then you eat it. it is delicious. zuck it is said kills his own meat. he does not want to deprive himself of the total food experience, which is to kill it yourself. the being dies, usually with some resistance & distress. some allow themselves that normal human experience, some that is their base condition, many these days get queasy about it, stomach knotty grossout feelings, killing animals, cutting them up. they pay other people to do it for them. Some other people turn out to really like to kill things, to make them die. there should be a place for them in the meat trade. all the little pre-serial killers, train them in butcher technique, that doesn't work, put em in the army.
hunger trumps charity for most of us, we will kill it and eat it if we can. somehow the human cultures seem to be mostly designed that people will often voluntarily die rather than kill & eat each other, but that's certainly not universal practice, & past performance is no guarantee of future results.
the basic violent act is either agressive or reactive. the agressive involves a preparation followed by a lunge and a series of strikes. either can of course be done with or without skill & luck. there are low-skilled animal predators who still manage to survive, demonstrating an acceptable range of skill in living.
in hunting the perfect strike kills the thing "instantly" it goes limp immediately, the eyes go out so to speak, some spasms, its gone. eat it. or more usually the victim (see "victual") is only caught, injured, has to be worked for a while to get it dead. chew & choke & break bones, poke, stab, tire out, thing is scared, trying to get away, maybe it kicks, hurts, injures the hunter. hunter gets really mad, starts to tear, dig into soft parts, if the hunter has hands reach inside and pull stuff out. make it dead. then it can be eaten in peace up in the tree. with sweetie and the baby.
what do we miss and/or gain by outsourcing that life function, hire people to do that as a job, through live animals at them all day long, they kill them quick, throw them on the line, make it punitively bad work insultingly badly paid. hunter running in the jungle, farmer praying before slaughtering the pig.
heightened senses of observers in the presence of death apparent only if the death is of an organism of certain size. probably every dying organism releases some class of pheromone that throws organisms nearby into some alteration of attitude. introducing a new class of type: watchers. the crowd around the schoolyard fight. plenty of them around. they'd rather watch than do. at a certain decorticated level they don't fight for themselves and they don't survive if their parents don't take care of them. corticated animals tend to try to keep them around, maybe they'll be good for something, occasionally to force them to do stuff because they like to let stuff happen. call them betas if you want. there can be power but it isn't used. betas.
are there gammas? in the social interactions of corticated animals are there like professional losers whose purpose is to be used as practice for the aggressive skills of the hunters? i guess so. i remember them from when i was in school. i was low but i would fight if i absolutely had to so i was left alone to my peaceful wierd self a lot, there were easier kids for the bullies to pick on, they'd only try me if there was no weaker one around, if they were in the mood.
then there are victims. the position of the victim is that it is ultimately unable to avoid being killed & eaten. it fights or it gives up, then it dies. it is eaten, then it is gone.
lot of meat in this topic. juicy.
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