Saturday, August 27, 2011

educational pipe dreams, love poem

1. the shape of the deal with all deviants is that they will fulfil the basic duties of citizenship, however they are defined, and they will be otherwise left in peace to do their thing.  the definition of citizenship duties is never fully stated lest its administration become tyranical, but encompasses some kind of joint approach to basic functions: infrastructure, admin, defense.  whatever they do in their spare time their business.  the heroin user knows military service coming up, voluntarily kicks, not a problem, can get back to it afterwards: citizen junky.  an entire emergency response crew run as a nonprofit by the porn industry.  porn stars who are also birth coaches.

i am imagining that education is not only to teach kids to sit still & follow orders, few facts thrown in, but like every kid learns how to sew, cook, self-defense, military tactics, large object handling, how to build things, how to fall & not get hurt, how to bear pain, how to end fights, how to try to survive as a kid in a combat situation, how to try to deal with creepy grownups. how to brush teeth, how to grow food, how to kill & dismember animals, anatomy, massage, signs of various sickness, formal instruction in various ways of being nice, how to plan, how to study.  how to put up structures.  how to figure out problems.

when i was a kid we were all going to be drafted.  they would separate some gym classes into girls & boys: the girls taught to dance, boys taught to march.  that was military education.  in history we learned the dates of wars, what they were supposed to be about, who won.  i imagine military education: the military instruction team comes in and explains how the whole military machine works, analyzes engagements, everybody does some pretend combat & survival.  whole school: military week.  teach them how to handle weapons too.  that kind of stuff not for everyone but some like it, will go on with it in an organic manner. 

another week is cooking week.  how to handle fire, how to handle knives, how to clean & why, handling hot stuff, how to measure, how to time, how to clean up.  another is clothing week, how they fit, how to clean them, how to make them.  another is body week, how it works, signs of sickness, how to keep it clean..  another is you get the idea?  teach them useful stuff.  lots of it.  kids will like it.

there is the messy aspect, it is definitely a chore
there is no question that i will be thinking thoughts
you would rather i wouldn't think
also that it is messy, and takes time

and i'm going to think those thoughts
while we do this and that with the bodies
until at a certain point you give up
and decide to go with it & you swoon down
into it, current carries us away,
bumping through the experience,
sometimes to end calmly in the bay,
bit of water in the boat,
other times smashed on the rocks,
you over there, i over here
sometimes one of us walking away on the beach
the other still in the water

that certain point, where you decide you'll allow
yourself to go toward melt,
like it.  like.  melting is nice.  wanting to melt.

you orthodox of all sects: you have only a single hope, all of you insisting that all the other hopes are false.  "i" see buckets of hope everywhere.  who loses?

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